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Updated: Jun 10, 2021

Wednesday 9th September 2020 :

My first day I learnt many new things. We started the day off with a health and safety session in the theatre. We watched a demonstration on the correct way to set up and safety club a ladder and how to rig a light. At first I felt anxious about climbing up the ladder and I was worries I would forget all the steps of rigging the light. I was pared up with a year 2 so it was nice starting to get to know members of the class. When I made it to the top of the ladder I surprisingly felt fine and I managed to remember all the steps. As I was the first in the class to climb up the ladder I felt relieved and proud of myself that I successfully carried out the task i'd been asked to do.

After this, I learnt how to use a sewing machine, this was my first time ever using one. I took notes and photos from the demonstration to remind myself of all the steps. At first I found it very complicated and difficult to know where to put each bits of thread, but I quickly got the hang of it once I asked for help.

In the Afternoon, we had an IT session in which I was introduced to Teams, edmodo and Upay. I felt that this session was very useful because I got to know how the online system worked.

Thursday 10th September 2020 :

In the morning we started with a theory lesson, I was introduced to unit 1 and the tasks I had to complete surrounding the Alice script. My partner and I created our own mind maps and filled it with information on Alice, such as context, set, costumes etc.

In the Afternoon, we had a fun practical session on basic special fx makeup. I created fake bruising with oil paints using colours yellow, green, red and blue, I also learnt how to apply these effectively to make the bruising look realistic. I really enjoyed this practical session as I got to experiment and try out different techniques independently.

Later we continued on with the practical session where we were each given some latex and tissue to create an open wound. Using the paints left over from the bruising task, I mixed some colours together creating a skin tone colour, and then layered some reds and greens blended on the edges to make the wound look nasty and realistic. I also really enjoyed this practical session because I felt like I could experiment and try new things out. I am excited to learn and do more makeup sessions.

Target: My target for next week is to become more confident with my skills on a sewing machine.

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